API Gages Working & Master Gages - Hemco

API Gages Working & Master Gages - Hemco


The American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I.) establishes a controlled gaging program to insure API thread form specifications are met in the production of oil field equipment, tools and pipe. A.P.I. requires that those manufacturers using the A.P.I. monogram inspect these components with working gages set to A.P.I. master gages. Our supplier HEMCO, is licensed by the Institute to use the A.P.I. monogram on all the API Spec 5B, Spec 7-2 and Spec 11B Master gages we sell.

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API Specification & Other Connections
Specification Type Size Range Threads per Inch (TPI) Taper per Foot
SPEC 5B Buttress Casing (BUTTRESS CSG) 4-1/2 thru 13-3/8 5 3/4" Taper
External Upset (UP TBG) 1.050 thru 1.900 10
External Upset (UP TBG) 2-3/8 thru 4-1/2 8
Non-Upset Tubing (TBG) 1.050 thru 3-1/2 10
Non-Upset Tubing (TBG) 4", 4-1/2" 8
Round Casing (CSG) 4-1/2 thru 13-3/8 8
Standard Line Pipe (LP) 1/8 thru 12 27 through 8 TPI
SPEC 7-2 Numbered Connections NC23 through NC50 4 2" taper
Numbered Connections NC56 through NC70 4 3" taper
Regular Rotary (left hand also) 6-5/8" 4 2" taper
Regular Rotary (left hand also) 5-1/2, 7-5/8, 8-5/8 4 3" taper
Regular Rotary (left hand also) 2-3/8 thru 4-1/2 5 3" taper
Regular Rotary (left hand also) 1", 1-1/2" 6 1-1/2" taper
Full Hole 5-1/2, 6-5/8 4 2" taper
SPEC 11B Sucker Rods 5/8" thru 1-1/8" 10 Not Tapered
Spec 11AX B Connection 178 11.5 3/8" taper
B Connection 225, 275 11.5 3/4" taper
L Connection 3/8, 1/2, 3/4 18, 14, 14 3/4" taper
Spec 6A Non-Upset Sharp Vee (VR Threads) 1-1/2 thru 3" 11.5 3/4" taper
Other Connections Buttress Tubing (Improved) 2-3/8, 2-7/8, 3-1/2 8 3/4" taper
Extra Hole 2-7/8 & 3-1/2 4 2" taper
Full Hole 2-7/8, 3-1/2, 4-1/2 5 3" taper
Full Hole (left hand) 5-1/2, 6-5/8 4 2" taper
Internal Flush (left hand also) 5-1/2, 6-5/8 4 2" taper
PAC Tools 2-3/8, 2-7/8 4 1-1/2" taper
Regular H90 3-1/2 thru 8-5/8 3.5 2" taper
Slimiline H90 2-3/8, 2-7/8, 3-1/2 3 1-1/4" taper



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